| On Apr02,2020Dear Madame/Sir,
Very Good Day!
In accordance with the instructions issued by the Government in the Royal Decree of March 14, CATALYSIS has activated all the necessary mechanisms to safeguard the safety of people and continue to provide its services in compliance with the established rules and protocols.
We confirm that the company is 100% operational.
The activity of the office is guaranteed, through the presence of a strategic team experienced in various corporate functions and through the remote support of other expert staff from their respective private homes. All commercial activities will be carried out by videoconference, telephone, email or other means that do not involve physical contact.
CATALYSIS installations, Logistic network and collaborating companies are operating despite the difficulties caused by the general situation. We have isolated the equipment and reduced the number of operators working simultaneously in our facilities, distributing them in separate shifts in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Thanks to the prior planning of stocks we can be reactive to your exciting supply requests.
Trusting in the solution of this health emergency, we remain at your disposal for any clarification.
Receive a warm greeting and our Best Wishes to You, Coworkers and Beloved Ones.
Remember VIUSID Now More Than Ever.
Always At Your Service.
Sincerely Yours